Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Blog

Okay, so I haven't written in two days.  Nothing much has happened.  But, I have recently created a new blog ONLY FOR GIRLS.

So if you're a girl, check it out!

(I would make one for boys but I don't think that would turn out so well.  Sorry!)

My dad is much better, by the way.  (Arrgh, not by the way again!) 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Poor Daddy

Today my dad finally went to the doctor.  He has been feeling under-the-weather since Thanksgiving and it won't get better.  My mom went with him so my aunt Jenny came to babysit us. 

Esther was sleeping the whole time so me and Abigail had her all to ourselves!  We played Guess Who a TON.  Then uncle Greg came and we played it with him too.  When my mom and dad came home uncle Greg took me, Abigail, and aunt Jenny out to eat.  We were going to go to Crown Candy, but there was a really long line that went out the door and down the street.  So we went to the Fountain on Locust.  I had a grilled cheese sandwich with apples and fancy cheese on it and it was sooooooooooooo yummy.  They also had these really good, home-made potato chips instead of french fries.  For dessert me and Abigail both had ice cream cones and after that I was really full. 

My dad has been sleeping all day and I really hope he gets better soon.  He had to miss work today and this is only the second time in like 18 years!  Poor daddy.....

Right now my mom is making bread and it smells heavenly.  I better go taste-test.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Now I Do the Catching Up

Christmas was two days ago.

We opened our Christmas dresses on Christmas Eve, only didn't wear them because we didn't go to Church.  We didn't go because the weather was nasty and Esther was whiny. 

Me and Abigail went to bed at 8:00 and I woke up at 11 because I really had to pee.  I also woke up at 4 because I had to pee and didn't fall back asleep because I was so excited.  I dozed until about 6 and everybody went downstairs around 6:45.  I wish I hadn't woken up so early!

I always look for my big, unwrapped present(s) from Santa first.  Well, I see if he ate the cookies, and then I do that.  This year he brought me a typewriter and Guitar Hero for our Wii that he brought last year.  After I checked that out, I opened my stocking.  That's my favorite part.  I got two awesome keychains, TONS of candy, a gyroscope, an American Girl Doll hairbrush, and a popcorn holder thing (it's awesome!).  From my parents I got a Monchhichi,  and iPod case, headphones, and fuzzy socks.
This is a picture of a Monchhichi.
(in case you didn't know.)
Innit so cute?!? Mine looks a little different (this is an older version) but it is still equally as cute!

On Christmas day we went to my aunt's for brunch and I had a homemade sesame bagel, egg quiche, and a muffin.  It was so good!  My aunt got me a Rubik's Slide and this awesome hair towel.  I used it today and it dries your hair really fast!

Yesterday we went to one of my other aunt's house for Christmas with my dad's dad.  My "Santa Bag" contained candy, a pencil, some erasers, Bloonies, and more fuzzy socks (you can never have enough!). 

Today I practiced my typing a lot and the noise drove Abigail crazy.  Today we also played "Guess Who?" a bunch and Abigail won most of the time.  It was still fun.

Well, that about wraps it up! 

Friday, December 24, 2010

Silent Night

Well, it's Christmas Eve, the Eve of Christ's birth.

I wonder sometimes about everything that happened when He was born.  I think maybe that all the animals wanted to be around Him and there were Angels singing and Mary was crying and Joseph was astonished and everything was so wonderful. God's plan turned out perfect.  You know it always does.  I am so thankful that it did. 


Soon Santa will be here.  Our house smells like potato soup and cookies.  It is warm and cozy and smells like Christmas.

Right now there is snow silently falling outside and everything is white.  It is so pretty.  All the trees are bare and everything is quiet.  Oh, silent night.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Eve Eve

Well, today is Christmas Eve Eve, being the Eve before Christmas Eve.  Today my dad wasn't working and he took me to do some last-minute Christmas shopping and I must say, I think we did pretty well.  Man, I can't wait until it's Christmas Eve instead of Christmas Eve Eve and then after that it will be Christmas day and I can't wait!!!!  I'm so excited I could jump up and down. 

Today my mom baked cookies and our house smells really good.  After dinner I get to help make another batch!  Mmmmm, oatmeal chocolate chip.  My mother makes the best cookies.   I can't wait to eat them all (eccept the ones for Santa, of course!). 

Well, only 1 more day until Christmas!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Day at the Mall

Today we went to the mall while my dad was at work.  We got him, well, I shouldn't say because he might read this.  I guess I can't really say anything we got.  Dangit!

On the way my littlest sister who is about two wouldn't stop saying, "Ho Ho?"  Every time we would have to answer, "Yes, Esther, we are going to see Santa."  So we finally get there, we're waiting in line to see the guy (who by the way actually had a beard!) and she totally freaks out!  Pretty ironic, huh.  No way was my mom going to buy a picture, and the "elf" sure was ticked off.  It was funny.

After that we went to do most of our shopping for our immediate family.  Me and Abigail made presents for mom this year and today we bought each other stuff.  Gee, I can't wait! 

Well, only two more days untill Christmas!
A picture without Santa and with Esther...

Esther had a cupcake from our favorite local bakery today...

We had some snow last week...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Funny Story

Today we got presents in the mail from my aunt and uncle.  My mom put them under the tree and went in the room.  At this point, my baby-toddler-adorable-cute-sister was probably thinking, Ohhh.  Jackpot.  So she ran over and started ripping them all open!  It was hilarious!

Oh, by the way, (actually, not by the way.  I don't know why I said it that way, it has nothing to do with that. Funny.) we went to the doctor's office today and found out that I have strep-throat.  At least that's good because doctor Winnie-the-Pooh-Bear prescribed me some penicillin to make it better by Christmas... Yay!

You may be wondering why I said doctor "Winnie-the-Pooh-Bear."  Well, that's because he totally reminds me of Winnie-the-Pooh-Bear.  In a good way.   I totally love Winnie-the-Pooh-Bear.  Tigger is awesome too.  And, yes, you Eeyore.

Well, only 3 more days untill Christmas!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Sick Sucks

I couldn't get on the computer yesterday because it was Sunday, I was SICK, and we had family Christmas #2.  I got a Sing-A-Ma-Jig, a latch-hook project, new pajamas, a Spirograph and a scarf.

I think this is the sickest I've ever been.  It started out in the morning when I got up, I threw up a stomach-full of snot.  Then I had a bad fever and continued to throw up all day.  Now my throat really hurts but I think the throwing up was the worst part.

I can't think of anything else to write now.  Merry Sickmas!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

It's the Most Wonderful Time.....

Today is day 1 of like 6 Christmases.  Oh my goodness, I love Christmas....

We always have Christmas with the M. (I'm not going to name names...) family the Saturday before Christmas.  It's always been like that for as long as I can remember and I hope it always will be.

My grandma Judy makes the best ham ever.  It's really amazing because she smothers the outside with mustard.   It's crazy good.  We also had Jell-O salad (yes, Jell-O, my family is crazy), mashed potatoes, and corn from our farm.  My grandma also makes the best rolls.  Mmmmm...

After we ate we had  rainbow sherbert punch.  It's sooooooooooooooooo good.

Present-wise, I got a sweater, a scarf, a book, i-Tunes giftcard, a flashlight, and a watch.  Ooooooh,  I can't wait untill Santa comes!  That's my favorite part.

Oh Indiana Jones is on, gotta go.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Family Christmas

We had an early dismissal for school today and we also had an assembly.  It was a concert and it was FUN!  It was kind of a rush at the end of the day, though, beacuse we didn't have as much time.

Right now I am at my uncle's house because tomorrow we have a family Christmas.  This year we are having it at my grandparent's house and Grandpa is super excited.  I can't wait!  I wonder what I will get.....

Thursday, December 16, 2010

First blog, first post

I just created my first ever blog.  On this blog, you can have a look Through My Eyes.  This is my life.  This is what happened today.  This is what I think.  This is what I learned.  This is what I'm excited about.  Check it out!