Saturday, September 10, 2011

20 Seconds of Glory

(I just remembered that i hadn't posted this yet. [Or maybe i did. I don't remember. I'll just post it again anyway.] Sorry, it's been a LONG time since this happened. It was last school year in the spring I think. Totally awesome.)

Well, maybe more like 30. 

Ya know how I told you our school was going to a Cardinals game and singing Take Me Out to the Ball Game?  It was so totally fantastical!  I can't even express in words how cool it was, really.  It is kinda funny because Mr. Teacher kinda directs like he's directing an orchestra instead of preschoolers and kindergartners, and 1-3rd graders with a few 4,5, and 6th graders sprinkled in there.  Really, he does.


Girl Scouts

Our first meeting for this year is tomorrow. I am so excited!

AND we have a camping trip next weekend! Excitinger! Both the Bridget/tt s are coming! Yay!

Okay, I think you get it. I'm EXCITED!

Saturday, September 3, 2011


On Friday at school we cooked our own lunch! Apparently our new PE teacher is also a chef... a really healthy chef.  Healthy as in no meat and veggie everything!

I normally stick to broccoli and peas and corn and that sort of stuff. Not really a big fan of beans or squash or tomatoes, especially not all nixed together! But I tried something new and I'm glad I did even though I didn't particularly care for it.

At least it was fun.  And dessert was good!