Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Poor Daddy

Today my dad finally went to the doctor.  He has been feeling under-the-weather since Thanksgiving and it won't get better.  My mom went with him so my aunt Jenny came to babysit us. 

Esther was sleeping the whole time so me and Abigail had her all to ourselves!  We played Guess Who a TON.  Then uncle Greg came and we played it with him too.  When my mom and dad came home uncle Greg took me, Abigail, and aunt Jenny out to eat.  We were going to go to Crown Candy, but there was a really long line that went out the door and down the street.  So we went to the Fountain on Locust.  I had a grilled cheese sandwich with apples and fancy cheese on it and it was sooooooooooooo yummy.  They also had these really good, home-made potato chips instead of french fries.  For dessert me and Abigail both had ice cream cones and after that I was really full. 

My dad has been sleeping all day and I really hope he gets better soon.  He had to miss work today and this is only the second time in like 18 years!  Poor daddy.....

Right now my mom is making bread and it smells heavenly.  I better go taste-test.

1 comment:

badprincess said...

Oh no!!! I hope your daddy gets better soon! Glad you guys had a great Christmas! I love your blog.