Friday, January 21, 2011


I've been thinking about people I really admire.  Celebrity and non-celebrity, dead and living.

•The two Bridget(t)s.  Not necessarily friends, just two people by the name of Bridget(t).  They do know each other.

  *Bridget:  a teacher from my school.  She's awesome, funny, and nice, but she calls herself mean (her funny part, I guess).  I am as tall as she is.  Actually, she gives away her clothes to some of the kids (not me, I'm too big.).

  *Bridgett:  Girl Scout troop leader.  Very experienced, understanding, and nice.  Blogs, sews, knits, does Girl Scouts, and has 3 kids!  Impressive.

•Stephen Hawking:  physicist.  Awesome guy.  Has ALS, a wife, 2 or 3 kids and like 4 grandchildren, and has written like 20 books!  Again, impressive.

•Jesus:  savior!  Even awesomer guy. 
God demonstrates His own love for Us in this, that while We were still sinners, Christ died for us.  For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (that's a song, as well as some bible verses).  He is three who's (father, spirit, son), and wrote the greatest book ever, the bible, which seems to change every time you read it.  That connects to this, and that to that, and those to that, and him to this guy over here, it's all connected.  Like math.  Adding.  Oh look, subtraction.  Oh look, multiplication.  Oh look, division.  Algebra!  Trigonometry!  Calculus!  Quantum physics! 

I'm sure that there's plenty of other people that I admire,  but you would probably figure it out yourself (like my mom and dad, for instance, of course I admire them!).

1 comment:

Bridgett said...

Ok, this may be the only place I make a list that includes the other people on this list!!