Friday, February 4, 2011

I Miss School!

So I didn't go to school all week.  I really was sick.  Not as much these past few days, but my mom kept me home, rather for my own good.  I'm actually glad that she did, because otherwise I would probably already be sick again.  I miss school, but this is a lot of what I did, if not all, while I wasn't at school this week.

Monday-So I woke up and puked my guts out.  Then I went to the doctor who was very insensitive (I hate that!) and didn't even remember when we had called the day before.  It made my mom maaaaaaaaaad.  So for the rest of the day I slept.  And took a miserable shower.  And puked my guts out some more. 

Tuesday-I really don't remember.  That's weird.  I think I got my days mixed up.  But I do remember that I felt much better that day and my parents made fun of me because I slept for like 20 hours straight the day before.  Hee hee hee!

Wednesday-That day my mom was really feeling the cabin fever since we couldn't go anywhere because of the snow and ice, and when she gets like that, she moves furniture!  We had like a bedroom party and organized and threw away and moved shelves and I feel so much better about my organization now because me and Abigail's room was a mess!

Thursday-My dad was off and he and I played some MarioKart and it was fun.  Then he ran some errands and I played MarioKart and it was just fun.  This was kind of a more relax-y fun day.  We (mom, Esther, and I) went to Target because she needed diapers for Esther and I had some money that was burning a hole in my pocket.  $40 in Target gift cards, baby!  I bought some birthday gifts for Abigail (she was almost a Valentine baby), Valentines to give out at school, and some SillyBandz for myself.

Friday (today)-I organized some more while listening to the radio in my room.  Played with Esther all day.  She is so adorable!  The only thing is, she forgot how to sleep or something.  Not good.  She keeps waking everybody (my mom [poor mom {and Esther}]) up in the middle of the night and getting up early.  I also finished a scarf that I was knitting (my first real project) for Abigail for her upcoming birthday.  Shhhhhh!

That was my week.  Little bit of everything, but no sledding still.  Understandable but disappointing. 

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