Monday, March 26, 2012

New favorite video

Googly awesomeness!!!

Involved doodling

So I've been doing some involved doodling lately.

I also got mixed up with the names of certain things at first.
For instance, that thing there is an ouroboros, a snake eating it's own tail. I had thought that the actual loopy design was an ouroboros. I didn't know what the actual loopy thing was until today when Fiona told me it was some sort of Celtic design like on her Irish dance dress.
The borromean rings are rings that are connected but don't actually go through one another. It's kind of hard to see there so I drew them for you.
I also drew what you could call the ouroborromean rings, just the borromean rings made out of 3 ourobori (?).
Then i made some tangled up rope/yarn and experimented with different ways of drawing rope.
I also made a one sided thing! I was going for just  a two-sided thing that crossed over itself a bunch, but instead ended up with a one sided thing with a Mobius twist (which you can't see very well here).
Then I saw I hadn't made anything using blue and since blue is already a sad color, I didn't want it to feel left out, so I made this thing.

Spring Break

I had a pretty fantastical one myself. We went to Springfield and stayed in a hotel where we got to swim and have and awesome time, got to meet my 4-week-old baby cousin, and got to have a tour of Lincoln's home! And guess what, I got to use something Lincoln himself used everyday: the handrail! And the steps! Cool huh?! :)
So then we celebrated my dad's birthday yesterday and that was fun too because we got to eat peanutbutterchocolatyawesomeness and ice cream and all kinds of deliciousness.
And now the weather is just amazing and it's kinda freaking me out, being March and all with temperatures of like 80, which is awesome.
AND just down the sidewalk we have new neighbors moving in and they have a DAUGHTER MY AGE!!! And she is very nice and I am really excited about that.
Today might have been the luckiest day ever; I found 3 FOUR-LEAF CLOVERS!!! Not even kidding a little bit. I found all of those today.

I hope everybody had an awesome spring break and is having an awesome spring!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

All coming soon!

More posts coming soon as I have time and am not feeling so lazy... More about those books, about doodling and interesting things, about googly eyes, and things that are happening. Stay tuned for more!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Favorite smells

Continued from the last post, which was about how old books smell.

Old book smell is definitely the favorite here.
After it has just rained or is just about to
Fresh laundry
The spring-y smell
And of course, cookies baking. Or anything baking. Unless it is getting burnt, in which case that is one of my least favorite smells and sounds because the smoke detector will go off. Beep.

If there's anything that will make me happy...

... it's a box of old books. The smell, the old book smell is prefered over new book smell. Like the inside of my mom's jewelry box, a very old jewelry box that was her mom's before her. A unique fragrance that is among my most favorite. It's hard to find books with a good smell these days, although I do have a few that are perfect, they were my great-grandmother's and they are Wizard of Oz and Frank Baum. I am not even joking about this, best smell ever.
Not all of these are old enough to have the right smell, but that red one there has the ideal scent... you may think I'm crazy but I bet your favorite smell is wierd too.