Monday, March 26, 2012

Involved doodling

So I've been doing some involved doodling lately.

I also got mixed up with the names of certain things at first.
For instance, that thing there is an ouroboros, a snake eating it's own tail. I had thought that the actual loopy design was an ouroboros. I didn't know what the actual loopy thing was until today when Fiona told me it was some sort of Celtic design like on her Irish dance dress.
The borromean rings are rings that are connected but don't actually go through one another. It's kind of hard to see there so I drew them for you.
I also drew what you could call the ouroborromean rings, just the borromean rings made out of 3 ourobori (?).
Then i made some tangled up rope/yarn and experimented with different ways of drawing rope.
I also made a one sided thing! I was going for just  a two-sided thing that crossed over itself a bunch, but instead ended up with a one sided thing with a Mobius twist (which you can't see very well here).
Then I saw I hadn't made anything using blue and since blue is already a sad color, I didn't want it to feel left out, so I made this thing.

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