Monday, September 24, 2012


I'm proud to say that I'm almost genuinely busy. I've never really meant the true meaning before, and I'm sure I'll be thinking the same thing in High School when I have about three more hours of homework than I do now, have a million clubs, and still want to sleep sometimes.

But I'm happy I'm doing stuff besides school. Piano, youth group, and hopefully soon acapella if that ever gets organized. I liked doing that last year.

I'm excited for art class to maybe start soon. I really hope they make the obvious descion. I really hope they actually choose a teacher.

This is much funner than homework. Even though it is homework. Mrs. W. said I could do this instead of journal. It seems less like an assigned thing that way. It's much faster than writing too.

I really like all my teachers. I always have. There was only one year (second grade) I had a really bad teacher. I hope she's not still teaching becaue she slapped kids and called them stupid, told them to shut up, called them retarded, and even pushed a kid down the stairs once. Uhh. I'm so glad my teachers aren't like that. They're so nice!

I like Ms. A. a lot. And Ms. K, and Ms. W, and all of them! I like it because I feel like I'm being pushed harder already. Which is a really good thing. Instead of the yeah, your kid is learning montessori grades (which I have nothing against for elementary classes), they're doing actual letter grades and percents this year. I think that's really good for me, to see it in numbers and precents instead of 'yes, you did your best' or 'yeah you tried' check marks. But smiley faces and checks and good jobs are still happily accepted and devoured, just so you know.

But yeah.

I'm not sure what to say next. How about some jokes. I've got some good ones. In my opinion anyway. You will most likely think they're stupid.

What do you get when you drop a piano down a mine shaft?
A flat miner.

When do you get when you drop a piano over a military base?
A flat major.

What kind of pants do the Mario brothers wear?

Why can't Hellen Keller drive?
Because she's DEAD!

What do you get when you throw a grenade in a French bathroom?
Linoleum Blownapart.

What did one snowman say to the other?
Ahh, smells like carrots.

What's blackandwhiteandblackandwhiteandblackandwhiteandblackandwhite?
A penguin rolling down a hill.

What's black and white laughing?
The little penguin who pushed him.

Why did the monkey fall out of the tree?
Because he was DEAD!

Why did the second monkey fall out of the tree?
He was laughing at the first monkey.

Why did the third monkey fall out of the tree?
Peer pressure.

Okay that's enough. For now.

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