Friday, February 22, 2013

The Last Two Weeks

Seriously, the last two weeks have seriously been (some of) the best of my life, seriously. Possibly the best ever, but I'm not going to say anything conclusive because my life isn't over yet. I've only been alive, like,  13.6 years.

It all started on Thursday of last week. The night before, all cozy in my room, I had finished the book Sense and Sensibility, and the next day, we left from school at 9:30 to see it in play-from. It was so good! It was really funny and well-arranged. It was dramatic and unique, but accurate to the book, too. We got back to school at like 1:30 and so we got to eat lunch during social studies.

The next day, Friday, we had early dismissal at 1:00. That day, some friends of mine from school and I were going to go to a trivia night for 6th-8th graders, but we couldn't get enough people for a team of 8. I was really disappointed because I really had wanted to go, so I decided, hey, we have early dismissal that day, why not have our own game night? So I did. It wasn't game night, but it was so FUN! We played New! Super Mario Bros. Wii and made fun of Luigi for being so bad at game as he ground-pounded into everyone and threw shells at us, and also took ALL THE POWERUPS. We also played Blokus and took the dog for a walk, and climbed trees and ran in the park. We went to the playground and it was just so fun! We also ate pizza and ERMAHGERD it was just so awesome and fun.

That weekend was 3 days long because we had Monday off for Presidents Day, when I happily slept in and hung around the house.

Tuesday and Wednesday were just normal school days, except I was uber happy because my group got to get math lessons with Mr. S, whom I really like because he's nice and fun. Wednesday we had civics with Mr. G. (whom I also adore) and Mr. S. Art class on Wednesday was okay, but I'm still really not happy with it. Actually, I'm really mad with it. But I'm not going to talk about how much I hate art class now that Ms. Bridgett isn't our teacher anymore because I'm supposed to be talking about my best week ever, right? Okay, right.

But now, the best part.

My friend Elzabeth calls me Wednesday night, screaming, "OMIGODOMIGODOMIGOD WE DON'T HAVE SCHOOL TOMORROW IT'S CANCELLED OMIGOD SNOW OMIGOD SNOW DAY SNOW DAY!!!" (Mind you, she's loud on the phone when she's not screaming.)

So the next day I get to sleep in because it's a snow day. Only, the snow hasn't started yet when I wake up. But man, once it started at like 10:30, it snowed. I took a picture out the window every couple hours that day and was going to put it on here, but Apple hates me. We didn't go anywhere that day because we didn't want to die. But...

Today I got to go sledding for the first time in like 3 years because school was (mercifully) cancelled today, too. I went to Reservoir Park with the same group of friends from school, Elzabeth, K and his brother J. We invited Liam, too, but he was going to Art Hill with his family.

Man, it was AWESOME. The only bad part was when Elzabeth and I went down together on her pink sled and hit a manhole cover (that was in the middle of the hill, for some reason). My butt still hurts, and the sled... the sled. The sled was in shards, thankfully it was just a cheap one. Other than that, the best part was the WHOLE THING. It was so fun.

This is us sledding.

It was the best day ever. Besides, you know, those two weeks.