Saturday, June 23, 2012

Random: thoughts, writing, etc. & miscellaneous

Very excited about going camping to the Smoky Mountains! We're having a final planning meeting on monday and leaving friday! It really snuck up on me! I know to some this may sound crazy, but i can't wait to pack. I love packing and getting everything tucked in with room to spare, especially, and getting everything organized. It really makes me happy.

The pride fest in the park by us is this weekend. Ughhhhhhh.

One of my best friends ever ever ever, Katherine, is moving to New Mexico. While I am really really really sad sad sad, I am excited excited excited to have one last sleepover this week. It will be fun fun fun. The good thing is, they're moving back to St. Louis in 3 years! What a relief! Maybe we can go to high school together. Yeah, this could work.

Piano lessons.


Visiting Aunt R & Uncle D's new house on the lake.

I have a tan line from my watch.

Glow in the dark nail polish.

Smushed fireflies.


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Definitons of Summer 2

Bare feet run through sprinklers. And bare feet run outside. And we swing.

We go to aunt's house and play outside. And uncle takes us for boat rides on the lake RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR HOUSE! We love their new house!

We go to the library and check out comic books. Comic books that maybe have anything to do with the Avengers. Which is like all of them. The movie was awesome!!! Really super duper really awesome fantastic really. Like I would go watch it right now. I would be up until 11:30 but who cares? I don't care who you are, if you like superheroes, are opposed to violence or have anything against movies, GO SEE IT RIGHT NOW. Seriously, it was that awesome.

Neighbors come out when they hear us outside. And the grown ups chat, the kids swing and kick their shoes off into the bushes or whatever, and the mosquitoes nearly eat us alive but it is almost always worth it.

The pool is frequently visited and friends almost always come with. And we have sleepovers and gee, I love this:

SUMMER! Mmmm, I drink in every second of cookouts and swimming and friends and family and ahh I love it.

AND Next week, we finally get to go on that camping trip to the smoky mountains! I am really excited for that. Anyway I could go on like this for quite some time but its getting late anddd.....

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Definitons of Summer

sum-mer [suhm-er]
the season between spring and autumn, in the Northern Hemisphere from the summer solstice to the autumnal equinox, and in the Southern Hemisphere from the winter solstice to the vernal equinox.
the period comprising the months of June, July, and August in the U.S., and from the middle of May to the middle of August in Great Britain.
a period of hot, usually sunny weather
Summer means that there are frequent trips to everywhere: grandma's, the pool, the store, the swingset, the freezer (for ice cream)...
Summer means the Virginia Barbecue, which it not really a barbecue, it's more of a fair. There are rides, vendors of "antiques," jewelry, you name it and they probably have it. There's typical carnival food: corn dogs (mmm), funnel cake, curly fries, and lemon shake-ups. I'm not really sure if the lemon shake-ups are specific to the VBBQ, but they are awesome ($$)!
Summer means there are also frequent sleepovers and friends come over often. And family, and cousins (which I happen to have a lot of). And there are weddings and graduations and sometimes funerals (although those aren't specific to summer).
Our family gets to go to church and worship God together.
And summer can be hot.
It's not that miserably hot here yet, thankfully. It has been nice enough to be outside in the evenings and run through sprinklers and the bugs aren't that bad either. We can still go on bike rides and not shrivel up. The walk from car to pool isn't miserable yet. And while I keep thinking how it is going to get so hot, I enjoy every moment of right now: summer.
Summer is when things happen. Best friends move away and everyone makes plans for next year: school. I'm blessed enough to not have to move, or to not have to switch schools again before high school.
Babies are born and, for the most part, everything is happy.

And that also means that I sometimes don't get a chance to post anything here. Sorry. I'm trying, and sometimes I even think of things that would be really good to put on here, but just don't have the time. It can be busy, and God is busy too;
God is good, and He is still at work in the summer.