Monday, January 30, 2012

Girl Scouts

I just realized I haven't really written about this.

This summer we (Cadettes and Fiona) are going on a Big Trip to the Smokies. We have planned a lot of it at our last meeting and I am SO excited!!! Although it's a 10-hour drive, I still think even that part should be fun. We're camping in tents. We're going hiking, rafting, eeeee! it's going to be so much awesome. I absoulutely can't wait.

But right now, before that, right now, we sell cookies. And sell cookies. Does anybody want cookies?

AND today is Cassie's birthday. I can't believe she is THREE already!!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I'd say it was a pretty awesome weekend

A long one. And a fun one.

Bree came over on Sunday. We played spoons all day. And we laughed all day. I seriously think it might be the most I've laughed at one time. It was so much fun.

When it probably would have been time for us to take her home, we called her parents and asked if she could stay. And sometimes, things just work out. It seems like those are the times that always turn out the best with and those are the times you remember. Like that one time when a pipe broke at school, we had a snow day without the snow, and since we were taking Ruth to school anyway, we just 'stole' her for the morning. Then we went over to her house (within walking distance literally around the corner) for the whole rest of the day. Anyway, to prove my point, that was last school year and I still remember it, which means something.

Anyway, we drove Bree over to her house to get her pajamas and items nessecary for a sleepover. When we got back to my house we made our own pasta (Gnocchi) from scratch for dinner. It was surprisingly easy and surprisingly tasty.

I guess in terms of sleepovers, it was pretty perfect. I love it when you just call, Zelda says, yes, she can come over, and then she ends up staying all day. And then all night. And we giggle untill we're all giggled out and get the hiccups and then because we have the hiccups, and hiccups are funny, we continue to giggle despite the fact that our sides hurt and Cassie is taking a nap and we might wake her up. The best.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Delayed Archery Post

I have no excuse for this one. I'll be honest, I've just been lazy. (sorry)

But, I did very well shooting left-handed, which I didn't think would turn out well.

Delayed Etc.

This should have been posted a few days ago but some how the draft got deleted. Arrg.

So, happy New Year! 7 days late, of course, but still. I haven't posted anything on here since last year! My year is going super so far, and I hope everyones is too.

As far as pseudonyms go, I have them all ready and will tell you now I guess. My two younger sisters are now Abilene and Cassie, listed from oldest to youngest. My parents are Chelsea and Carl. I'm still Emma, of course. So yeah.

As far as resolutions go, being a new year and all, I am going to try and read my bible every day this year, and to read the whole thing. Simple, but yet so complex, if you know what I mean. Ask me about it in 2013.