Friday, February 25, 2011


Really Don't Know What To Write About.  RDKWTWA.  Yup.  It seems like I just had something looming in the back of my head, but I can't remember now!

Oh, okay, I have something now.  Girl Scouts!

Cookies, cookies, cookies, COOKIES!  I love them!  Selling them is fun, but eating them is better.  So--indulgent.  I pick them up tomorrow!!!  So, if you ordered cookies from me, they're coming!  I sold 135 boxes, but I could of done better.  Abigail was selling cookies this year.  AARG.

And, we have a meeting on Sunday.  A talent show or demonstration.  I don't know what to do!  (Help, Bridgett!?  Well, maybe my dad can teach me a new song on the guitar.)  And we have archery coming up sometime soon!  (Love the picture?)  Still working on the bronze award. Fun fun fun.

But, ohhh.  I can't wait for cookies!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

S is for School... Still

Again.  It was a nice, long weekend.  I also like school (as you probably know). 

This week was the last week for Junior Achievement!  (It turns out they were nurses!)

It also turns out that I am starting to enjoy homework.  I'm getting better at journaling (5 pages, no lines skipped) and I always love to read, except when it's a book I didn't choose (like for an assignment).  I guess you could say our teachers don't give very much homework.  Can't wait until High School (love my sarcasm?).

So, I'm reading Little Women by Louisa May Alcott.  It's so good!  Even though it's about a bijillion pages long and I've been reading it since winter break, it's good.  I think my favorite character is Meg or Marmee because they are such good moms (and wives).  I'm almost done (about 75 more pages!!!).  AND my mom just gave me FOUR chocolates!  How much better could this get?!?  Well, I could think of a few things.  A trip to Whangdoodleland would be pretty cool...

Monday, February 21, 2011

I Don't Know What To Call This Post (Sorry!)

So, Saturday and Sunday my aunt and uncle were here and we went to the science center (which, by the way, is not nearly as good as the one in Minnesota) and got to swim at their hotel.  They are so nice!  We even got to have cupcakes because it was his birthday.

Today we didn't have school so we had a play date.  All day.  It was fun, but yeah.  Exhausting.  We went to the West County mall and ate lunch at Chick-Fil-A and poked around at Barnes and Noble (but we didn't buy anything.  I decided that it was too expensive and I would wait.  I have plenty of books).  It was fun!

The lady who got hit by a car died.  Please pray for her mama.  Her mom is the sweetest old lady you'd ever meet!

AARGH, it makes me mad though!  The suspect got away!  On the bright side, she is in heaven with God with so more pain or hurting or sorrow or anything bad.  And the police are giving out tickets!  I would say that about 2 in 10 people don't even slow down and probably 6 or 7 don't even stop!  That is a problem.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Where Did I Go?

Nowhere.  Just not on the computer.  So let's see, just a short recap of the past few days?  I don't have much time before bed.

On the 13th it was Abigail's birthday, great party.  My aunt (former professional hair/makeup artist) did every body's hair and we got a few teenage 'expert' people to do nails and it was great.  Blueberry 'mufcakes.'

Then comes Valentine's Day.

On Tuesday (or was it Wednesday?) at school we threw paper airplanes for a science experiment. (F-U-N spells FUN!)

Today we (my class) went to the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra and got to listen to some of the music from Romeo & Juliet (Pytor Tchaikovsky) and West Side Story (Leonard Bernstein).  We got to sit in the balcony this time!

Also today, shortly after I got home from school and TW left (we watch her everyday after school now), I heard some tires screech, a scream, and a horrible cry of a dog.  Our neighbor was hit with a car by a drunk driver at a stop sign and her dog was killed. She is okay (as far as I know) and the drunk person was arrested.  Please pray for her and her family.  It doesn't matter what name you use, God knows Who You're talking about.

So I'm back.  Sorry I neglected you, blog!

Friday, February 11, 2011


So, this chicken goes to the library.  He comes over the librarian and says, "buck, buck, buck" (what chickens say).  the librarian gives him 3 books.

The chicken goes away and comes back a few minutes later with nothing.  He again says to the librarian, "buck, buck, buck."  So, the librarian gives it 3 books.

The chicken goes away again and still comes back with nothing.  It says the same thing, "buck, buck, buck."  By now, the librarian is getting suspicious, so he follows the chicken outside, across the road of course, and to a pond.  The chicken presents the books to a toad and the toad says, "readdit, readdit, readdit."

If you don't get it, I'll have to tell it to you in person.  My new favorite joke.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The School I Love

So it's Tuesday. 

On Monday it was my mom's birthday.  It was great.  Grandma Linny got to come down and visited and babysat while mom, dad, & some of their grownup friends went out to eat.  We got her some cooking utensils and I am struggling to knit her a scarf without giving up because I am tired of the sick green color I so poorly chose.  Grandma taught Abigail how to knit, too.  Yay.  Anyhoot, we had tiramisou (I doubt that's spelled correctly, the spell check is confusing!) and it was a great time.  Just for the record, I made the best birthday card in the history.  Happy birthday, momma!

So at school I had/HAVE a bunch of catching up to do.  Especially, well, everything.  In math there is a new POW (problem of the week)  and a bunch of jumbled up Pascal and Fibonacci.  The Declaration of Independence keeps poking it's way back into the curriculum.  And all of the writing assignments that have piled up.  Gee, I wish I could write this good in my homework journal!  I guess I'm better at blogging.  Maybe it's just cause I actually want to do this. 

And the Junior Achievement people came.  I seriously thought that they were just off of work (they're volunteers [I think]) because they have these uniforms that look like the scrubs that nurses wear.  Or maybe they were nurses.  Who knows?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Lobby Hobby

Lobby Hobby, no, that's not it.  Blobby Hobby?  Hobby Lobby.  That's it.  Okay, so we went to Hobby Lobby today.

I had $25ish and I got some yarn and knitting needles.  Hooray!  The other day I finished a scarf that I'm giving Abigail for her birthday and today I started one for my mom for her birthday.  I should of made hers first, though, because her birthday is on Monday and Abigail's is on the 13th.  I'll have to give it to her late. (Don't worry, dad, I already told her.  I think maybe I shouldn't of?  Oh man!) Well, I guess it's better late than not at all.  Bummer.

I really need to work on standing up straight.  Momma says I have the hump, the slouch, and the pooch.  Dang it, she's right!  Don't you ever get tired of being right, mom?  Bah humbug.  Oh, wait.  I can't say that, it's not Christmastime anymore.  So I guess it's just bah? 

Friday, February 4, 2011

I Miss School!

So I didn't go to school all week.  I really was sick.  Not as much these past few days, but my mom kept me home, rather for my own good.  I'm actually glad that she did, because otherwise I would probably already be sick again.  I miss school, but this is a lot of what I did, if not all, while I wasn't at school this week.

Monday-So I woke up and puked my guts out.  Then I went to the doctor who was very insensitive (I hate that!) and didn't even remember when we had called the day before.  It made my mom maaaaaaaaaad.  So for the rest of the day I slept.  And took a miserable shower.  And puked my guts out some more. 

Tuesday-I really don't remember.  That's weird.  I think I got my days mixed up.  But I do remember that I felt much better that day and my parents made fun of me because I slept for like 20 hours straight the day before.  Hee hee hee!

Wednesday-That day my mom was really feeling the cabin fever since we couldn't go anywhere because of the snow and ice, and when she gets like that, she moves furniture!  We had like a bedroom party and organized and threw away and moved shelves and I feel so much better about my organization now because me and Abigail's room was a mess!

Thursday-My dad was off and he and I played some MarioKart and it was fun.  Then he ran some errands and I played MarioKart and it was just fun.  This was kind of a more relax-y fun day.  We (mom, Esther, and I) went to Target because she needed diapers for Esther and I had some money that was burning a hole in my pocket.  $40 in Target gift cards, baby!  I bought some birthday gifts for Abigail (she was almost a Valentine baby), Valentines to give out at school, and some SillyBandz for myself.

Friday (today)-I organized some more while listening to the radio in my room.  Played with Esther all day.  She is so adorable!  The only thing is, she forgot how to sleep or something.  Not good.  She keeps waking everybody (my mom [poor mom {and Esther}]) up in the middle of the night and getting up early.  I also finished a scarf that I was knitting (my first real project) for Abigail for her upcoming birthday.  Shhhhhh!

That was my week.  Little bit of everything, but no sledding still.  Understandable but disappointing. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Can't Decide!

I can't decide what I want my blog to look like.

I keep changing it.

But I hope you like it.

S is for Sick. And Snow. And School. And Scouts.

And Seriously.  I don't wanna be sick anymore.  I don't think my throat can take much more strep.  And I wanta go to school!  I miss it.

Sick sick sick sick.

Doing better.  So on Monday I woke up, breathed in, coughed once, and vomited (thank fully in the toilet), went to the doctor, and slept, and then took a miserable shower, and slept all day and all night.  Some well needed sleep!  20 hours!  My dad said that I played video games in my sleep with him but I think that was his sarcasm coming out.  I'm sure.  Right?!  People don't play video games in their sleep!  Or do they?

Snow snow snow snow.

It snowed.  Again.  I really didn't think we'd ever get this much in one year, living in Saint Louis!  We still didn't get to go sledding... ah, the disappointment.  But it's okay.  It snowed, and that in itself is enough for me.  But since it snowed and freezing-rained and sleeted and hailed, we didn't have any

School school school school.

I wouldn't have gone anyway so that's good because it didn't count against my absence.  But darn it, now we have to go to school into June!  My mom probably won't make us go, though.  (Smirk.)

And, to top it off, I sold 135 boxes of Girl Scout cookies.  Yay me!  Last year I sold 160, but I sold less this year because I had to give a lot of my customers to my sister this year.  Still, that's alotta cookies!  Enough for me.