Friday, February 25, 2011


Really Don't Know What To Write About.  RDKWTWA.  Yup.  It seems like I just had something looming in the back of my head, but I can't remember now!

Oh, okay, I have something now.  Girl Scouts!

Cookies, cookies, cookies, COOKIES!  I love them!  Selling them is fun, but eating them is better.  So--indulgent.  I pick them up tomorrow!!!  So, if you ordered cookies from me, they're coming!  I sold 135 boxes, but I could of done better.  Abigail was selling cookies this year.  AARG.

And, we have a meeting on Sunday.  A talent show or demonstration.  I don't know what to do!  (Help, Bridgett!?  Well, maybe my dad can teach me a new song on the guitar.)  And we have archery coming up sometime soon!  (Love the picture?)  Still working on the bronze award. Fun fun fun.

But, ohhh.  I can't wait for cookies!

1 comment:

Bridgett said...

Ok, what about the scarf you're crocheting? It doesn't have to be acted out/performed/danced/whatever. It can be a show and tell as well. Sophia is wringing her hands not sure what to do either (I told her just to dance, duh, but then she's just not sure...)