Friday, February 11, 2011


So, this chicken goes to the library.  He comes over the librarian and says, "buck, buck, buck" (what chickens say).  the librarian gives him 3 books.

The chicken goes away and comes back a few minutes later with nothing.  He again says to the librarian, "buck, buck, buck."  So, the librarian gives it 3 books.

The chicken goes away again and still comes back with nothing.  It says the same thing, "buck, buck, buck."  By now, the librarian is getting suspicious, so he follows the chicken outside, across the road of course, and to a pond.  The chicken presents the books to a toad and the toad says, "readdit, readdit, readdit."

If you don't get it, I'll have to tell it to you in person.  My new favorite joke.


Bridgett said...

Excellent. One to save for halloween. Love the photo of archery!!

Emma said...
