Tuesday, February 22, 2011

S is for School... Still

Again.  It was a nice, long weekend.  I also like school (as you probably know). 

This week was the last week for Junior Achievement!  (It turns out they were nurses!)

It also turns out that I am starting to enjoy homework.  I'm getting better at journaling (5 pages, no lines skipped) and I always love to read, except when it's a book I didn't choose (like for an assignment).  I guess you could say our teachers don't give very much homework.  Can't wait until High School (love my sarcasm?).

So, I'm reading Little Women by Louisa May Alcott.  It's so good!  Even though it's about a bijillion pages long and I've been reading it since winter break, it's good.  I think my favorite character is Meg or Marmee because they are such good moms (and wives).  I'm almost done (about 75 more pages!!!).  AND my mom just gave me FOUR chocolates!  How much better could this get?!?  Well, I could think of a few things.  A trip to Whangdoodleland would be pretty cool...

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