Thursday, February 17, 2011

Where Did I Go?

Nowhere.  Just not on the computer.  So let's see, just a short recap of the past few days?  I don't have much time before bed.

On the 13th it was Abigail's birthday, great party.  My aunt (former professional hair/makeup artist) did every body's hair and we got a few teenage 'expert' people to do nails and it was great.  Blueberry 'mufcakes.'

Then comes Valentine's Day.

On Tuesday (or was it Wednesday?) at school we threw paper airplanes for a science experiment. (F-U-N spells FUN!)

Today we (my class) went to the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra and got to listen to some of the music from Romeo & Juliet (Pytor Tchaikovsky) and West Side Story (Leonard Bernstein).  We got to sit in the balcony this time!

Also today, shortly after I got home from school and TW left (we watch her everyday after school now), I heard some tires screech, a scream, and a horrible cry of a dog.  Our neighbor was hit with a car by a drunk driver at a stop sign and her dog was killed. She is okay (as far as I know) and the drunk person was arrested.  Please pray for her and her family.  It doesn't matter what name you use, God knows Who You're talking about.

So I'm back.  Sorry I neglected you, blog!

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