Monday, November 28, 2011


It seems like I haven't put anything on here for awhile. Gee, I guess I haven't. Sorry folks! I should be more regular. It's been busy.

Let us start where I was going to before I wrote that part. Ahem, on I-can't-remember-which-one-it-was-it-was-kinda-long-ago-and-I'm-lazy Friday I went to a Chris Tomlin concert! It was so awesome I can't hardly explain it. I won't, actually, because I will end up making it sound less awesome than it was. See other blog.

Zoom zoom all the way to, erm, Wednesday. We cooked. All. Day. Seriously. Not. Kidding.

Thursday was delicious with so much food I wish you could see our fridge.

Then on Friday we shopped and I guess you could say we dropped. First time I've ever done that and it was pretty fun.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Mad or Something

I hate being sick. Especially when it's just a cold and you go to the doctor because you think that it's something and you have to pay money for them to tell you to gargle with salt water and take ibuprofen even though you already knew that and they try to use big words to, I don't know, impress you or something and then you know more about it than they think you do and yeah. It stinks. Especially the snot. And I'm kinda mad because I had to miss school when I wanted to go and now I have to go to school tomorrow and I don't want to at all! It's horrible.

On the other hand, I'm very excited because Thanksgiving is going to be delicious (so is Christmas. I feel bad for people who don't know my grandma. She sure does make a kick butt ham!) and the house down the sidewalk from me is for sale and I really hope someone with kids moves in! Scratch that, someone with kids MY AGE. Kids are never my age. They're always either significantly older or significantly younger or live far away and we never will see each other but I think you get it. It would be nice.

So I'm kinda mad or something close to it, like mappy. There.