Friday, January 28, 2011

Leaning Tower of Popcicle Sticks

So, I built a tower out of popsicle sticks but I guess you won't be able to see it because the picture won't show up here.  It's so awesome!  I'm trying to build a little house thing but the glue is taking forever to dry!  I hope it turns out!

Other than that, today was kinda boring cause my mom kept us home from school.  So, there really isn't anything to say.  Sorry if I disappointed you!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Today at school the sewage system backed up.  I guess I timed this cold just right because my nose is so stuffy I couldn't smell it!  Everyone was like, "Emma, you're so lucky you couldn't smell it!"  "This is so gross"  "It smells so bad!"  It was nice and funny because Mr. Rouse moved the trash can by me because I used so many tissues! 

I even tried the Neti Pot and it didn't work!  If you don't know what a Neti Pot is, it's this thing that looks like a little teapot.  You fill it with warm distilled water and this special packet and you put it up your nose.  You lean over and put the end spout thingy in one nostril and all of the junk is supposed to come out the other nostril.  I can't believe this.  How does it not work?!?

I want my nose to be un-stuffed and this nasty cough to be gone.  Pleez?

Oh, let me know if you want Girl Scout cookies by FRIDAY because the form is due this weekend.  Thank you!

Monday, January 24, 2011


That's weird.  I swear I was just writing a post then I went to do something and it was gone!  Hmmmmmm.

So today I went to the orthodontist and they put spacers in so there will be room for the contraption thing-a-ma-hoosey.  It hurts.  I can't wait (notice my use of sarcasm there!).  It was kinda funny because I saw my friend there and we had a little conversation then I got called.  It was nice.

That particular friend also goes to my Church and it is really nice to have a friend who will pray with me.  I like that.  We have sleepovers and play dates all of the time and we have so much fun!  She has a bunny.  Princess Bunnywabbit III.  It's not really the third but she calls it that because it sounds fancy.  I like it.

Friday, January 21, 2011


I've been thinking about people I really admire.  Celebrity and non-celebrity, dead and living.

•The two Bridget(t)s.  Not necessarily friends, just two people by the name of Bridget(t).  They do know each other.

  *Bridget:  a teacher from my school.  She's awesome, funny, and nice, but she calls herself mean (her funny part, I guess).  I am as tall as she is.  Actually, she gives away her clothes to some of the kids (not me, I'm too big.).

  *Bridgett:  Girl Scout troop leader.  Very experienced, understanding, and nice.  Blogs, sews, knits, does Girl Scouts, and has 3 kids!  Impressive.

•Stephen Hawking:  physicist.  Awesome guy.  Has ALS, a wife, 2 or 3 kids and like 4 grandchildren, and has written like 20 books!  Again, impressive.

•Jesus:  savior!  Even awesomer guy. 
God demonstrates His own love for Us in this, that while We were still sinners, Christ died for us.  For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (that's a song, as well as some bible verses).  He is three who's (father, spirit, son), and wrote the greatest book ever, the bible, which seems to change every time you read it.  That connects to this, and that to that, and those to that, and him to this guy over here, it's all connected.  Like math.  Adding.  Oh look, subtraction.  Oh look, multiplication.  Oh look, division.  Algebra!  Trigonometry!  Calculus!  Quantum physics! 

I'm sure that there's plenty of other people that I admire,  but you would probably figure it out yourself (like my mom and dad, for instance, of course I admire them!).

Thursday, January 20, 2011


So, everyone knows that Girl Scouts sell cookies in the winter.

It's so fun.  Except for when your little sister suddenly decides to join and steal half of your customers.  And she's cute, too!  So she could be the most horrible salesperson but people would buy from her anyway just 'cause she's cute! 

AARG!  It makes me angry.

But it also makes me very happy because it's fun and very easy to do.  Everybody knows what they are and what kind they want.  It's funny though, because this year we switched bakers.  All of the cookie names changed so all the younger girls who have  never sold cookies before don't know what to do.  Advantage!

My favorite ones are the Caramel deLites (Samoas), Thin Mints, and Peanut Butter Patties (Tagalongs).  I guess that's kinda a lot.  I can't decide which ones I like best!  Probably Peanut Butter Patties.  I wish the name didn't have to change!  It just doesn't seem right!

So, if you like Girl Scout cookies and want to buy some, give me a ring!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Sick?  Again?  Really?  Already!  This is an outrage!

So we went to doctor Winnie-the-Pooh-Bear again yesterday and he said that I had strep again.  More yucky penicillin. 

So that means I couldn't go to school.  I got a-let's see.  1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and possibly 6-day weekend.... but I don't really want it anymore!

I also feel really bad cause this means I could have all of the Girl Scouts who went to camp, and my Grandpa who has cancer sick.  This is horrible!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Girl Scout Camp

This weekend our Girl Scout troop went camping at camp Tuckaho.  It was very fun.

At the lodge we stayed in, there were no beds, only mattresses.  I slept in the same row as SW,  PW, FL, and GC.  We were all early birds, which is good, otherwise I would of been awake all night.

On Saturday we basically just hung out.  Some people went out to play in the snow.  We tried to sled without sleds, which didn't really work, so we just rolled down the hill (which was awesome) instead.  When we got back I did some knitting (I'm making a scarf) and then me SW, PW, and FL did some tumbling on our beds since they were on the floor.  We also played Bananagrams, which is a really fun game where each person basically is making their own board out of the tiles they have.

We also earned some badges. 

First we worked on the 'sew simple badge.'  We decorated socks and made fun things.  I made a sock puppet out of mine and my baby sister Esther is afraid of it.

We also earned the theatre badge.  We played group scherades and it was really funny.  After that we split into groups and made up skits.  My group (me, JB, MB, NS) made one about a crazy teacher and two students who won't stop picking their noses.  I played the teacher, MB and NS were the students, and JB was the principal.  It was so fun.

Overall, it was really fun and I'm really glad that I went.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

S is Also for School

I really like school.

Especially my school.

It's a Montessori school.

Montessori is a very different style from regular schools.  Every body has different work to do, and they all do it at different times.  The teacher may give a lesson to one person or the whole class.  Everyone works at their own pace.  If something is too easy, you get to move on, even if not everybody is ready.  It is a safe work enviorment where everybody is seen both as an individual and as the same, which is good.  I like that.

Another thing that kinda has to do with school is Girl Scouts.  Well, not really, but I wanna talk (write) about it. 

I love my Girl Scout troop.  Espically my leader.  She is really nice, and has tons of experience.  We get to do a lot of fun things and a lot more of it than some other troops.  Even though there are some certain people in my troop that may not be my absolute favorite people in the whole world, we all get along and everybody, for the most part, has a good time.

This year we are working on our bronze award and we have gotten to do some really fun stuff.  In the spring we will be doing a service project and I am realy looking forward to it

We are also having a camping trip this weekend.  So excited!

(PS: our leader wrote a really good post on her blog [most of my inspiration] about girl scouting...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

S is for Snow Day

Today (last night) it snowed.  Not very much, but enough to have a snow day.  We can't go anywhere, though, because my dad took our van to work instead of his tiny Daewoo 'roller skate car.'

Since I really have nothing to do, I think.  Here are some things I'm thinking I'm glad I have.....

My  old-fashioned Smith-Corona typewriter-very handy for type-writing.

Yarn-all the better to knit with, my dear!

Modern day technology-cell phones, computers, electricity, you name it.

A safe, warm house-very good for living in.

Girl Scouts-I love my troop and we always have so much fun.

Friends and Family-Family and Friends


Such a wonderful God-3 whats, 1 who.

Snow days!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

F is for Friend

What is a friend?

A friend is someone who is always there for you.

A friend is someone who is nice to you even if you're [insert your own word{s} here {ex.  not as nice, mean, etc, etc...}] to them.

A friend is someone who is patient.

A friend is someone who never lets you down or lies to you.

A friend is someone who will come over to your house at any given time because something bad happened.

A friend is someone you can trust.

A friend is someone who shares with you (most of the time).

Most of all, a friend is someone who will cry with you.

(PS:  Notice in the title I use [blank] is for ...  but I go in no certain order.  Yeaaaaaaaaaah.....)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

School Again

Today was our first day back at school since December 17.  I just realized that I created this blog over break so I'll tell you a little about the school I go to.

My teachers names are Mr. R and Mrs. W.  There are 19 students in my class.  Our school is really small, in fact, we're in a Church basement (not my Church, by the way).  Thankfully, though, we are moving next year.  It's getting quite cramped!  My classroom is a converted kitchen.  And, we're all 4th - 5th graders, all hitting our growth spurts at the same time.  What a squeeze!

My favorite subject is math but I really like to read.  You can call me a nerd and I won't be mad.  Four eyes is pushing it, though.  My favorite Montessori material is Racks and Tubes (used for division beginners [I had that lesson two years ago and did it for fun even after I learned division without that material]).

I love my school even though certain teachers may not be my favorites and some people irk me.  It's fine.  I can handle it.  I feel so blessed when I stop and look around to see all the friends and people who care for and love me.

Monday, January 3, 2011

God WILL Give You More Than You Can Handle

God will give You more than You can handle, but not more than He can handle, right?

That's what's been on my mind lately.  Ever since Church on Sunday, I can't stop.  The sermon was on prayer. 

God will give You more than You can handle because He can handle it.  That's where the prayer comes in.  He loves You and he wants You to come to Him.  He enjoys You and He wants You to enjoy Him, too.

I was thinking about making a blog about this kinda stuff.  It would be next year, though.  "Emma's 52X52
A year in My Journey (52 posts about 52 sermons 52 Mondays in a year [Monday because {1, I'm not allowed on the computer Sunday.} and {2, that'll give it time to sink in a little}.])"

God will give you more than You can handle, but not more than He can handle. 

Saturday, January 1, 2011


MMXI.  2011. 

Wow.  Already?

Quite a few things have happened in this last year.  I got glasses.  I made lots of new friends that were right under my nose.  (That doesn't happen very often for me, mind you.)  What a blessing.  I had a birthday (of course). 

We found out my grandpa had cancer.  Everywhere

I ate probably way to much junk food.

My resolutions?  Be healthier.  Try to think of other people more than that of myself and remember all of the things I am blessed by.  Friends.  Family. Food.  A house to live in.  No, a home.