Saturday, January 7, 2012

Delayed Etc.

This should have been posted a few days ago but some how the draft got deleted. Arrg.

So, happy New Year! 7 days late, of course, but still. I haven't posted anything on here since last year! My year is going super so far, and I hope everyones is too.

As far as pseudonyms go, I have them all ready and will tell you now I guess. My two younger sisters are now Abilene and Cassie, listed from oldest to youngest. My parents are Chelsea and Carl. I'm still Emma, of course. So yeah.

As far as resolutions go, being a new year and all, I am going to try and read my bible every day this year, and to read the whole thing. Simple, but yet so complex, if you know what I mean. Ask me about it in 2013.

1 comment:

Bridgett said...

I attempted this myself in 7th grade, not as a new years resolution but just starting at the beginning of the school year. ADmitting right now that I skipped through most of LEviticus, I made it into the prophets before I dropped out...