Saturday, June 29, 2013

awesome stuff I've recently made

My wall collage is almost done. I've been working on it for like a year since I moved my room to the basement and it has been really fun to just work on it when I'm bored. Now I  just have to finish a couple pieces of art I'm working on so I can hang them up!
(Left to right from the top: dichotamus key to benthic macroinvetebrates, watercolor painting from at class in March 2012, flag of Nerdfighteria, My Neighbor Totoro Thingy, cardioid, 3D papercraft ampersand [&], TFiOS cover, [blue w/ clouds], color pencil tree drawing, my name in3D papercraft typography, owls, swirls, triangle sharpie drawing inspired by Vihart, DFTBA collage, Richard Feynman collage, various lines are Washi tape. This will probably have a post of its own soon.)

Necklaces! So Karen Kavett is a graphic designer that makes awesome videos on YouTube. The necklaces were inspired by her a lot. I made this ampersand necklace with a bottle cap, but couldn't really wear it because the cap wasn't heavy enough to keep it from flopping all over.

A couple days ago I went over to my friend Fiona's house for a sleepover. We made some charms out of beads and old buttons. I was really happy with how they turned out, but I already have a gazillion key chains.


I love them! I think my favorite one might be the one that says loud/big on the bead (they have words on both sides). 

I love making awesome stuff!


Unknown said...

Love all your writings

Unknown said...

Love your writings....