Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I Hear...

I hear

It almost storming outside and

It being very windy and

The artificial wind... air conditioner and

The blaring television, would you mind turning that down, Abigail?  Goodness you'll wake Esther up and

I also hear this song going over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over in my head and I only know one verse, and

 I also keep dreaming music, not like my own music that I made/dreamed up (although that would be AWESOME), but songs like the one in my head right now, thankfully usually more than one line long and

Speaking of dreams I had a weird one.  So for the Science Fair we have these sequence numbers.  In the dream I was reading the bible out loud to my dad and I read something like, "I'm down on my knees," but in the dream I saw the number.  Hmm.


Emma said...

Now I hear it raining and

The tornado siren.

Unknown said...

love the dream stories.

Scott said...

I love your brain....and heart....and the rest of you.