Monday, October 24, 2011

Perhaps the Best Saturday EVER

Really it was.

We drove to Springfield (Illinois) and met Uncle George at Olive Garden. I had alfredo but I couldn't concentrate on how durn good it was or how funny George is because I was so freaking excited!

After that we hurriedly drove to the Whatever-It-Was place and quickly found our seats as the lights lowered and 10TH AVENUE NORTH (the band) started to play! Omigod I almost peed my pants it was so fantastic! Loud, but fantastic. I never knew I could scream so loud.

Then the intermission came and uncle George bought us awesome T-Shirts and my dad bought a 10th Avenue North cd while he earned a free Third Day cd.

Now you're probably wondering what the heck Third Day is. Well, it's only the BEST BAND EVER! (Besides 10th avenue north! [They played in the concert together. {I'm such a nerd I use brackets!}]) And it was so so good. No, it was more than that.

About halfway through I was thinking to myself, is this what heaven in like? except forever? well, no! i'd know all the words and my feet won't hurt!

Notice how I don't think in capital letters.

Anyway, yeah. definitely my best saturday ever.

The song they played for their encore!!! It was amazing.

.Springfield, IL: 10-22-11

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