Saturday, May 21, 2011

Heaven is For Real

It's a book I just finished (read it in like less than 2 days), and it was REALLY good.  I gobbled it up.

It's about a family-the Burpos, who have to go through a lot.  The dad is a pastor and he shatters his ankle, then survives breast cancer (the dad!).  Todd and Sonja's son, Colton, his appendix literally explodes.

The first doctor dismisses the subject as just the flu.  When Colton doesn't stop throwing up--for like a week, Todd and Sonja take Colton to several different places.  Finally,  one doctor decides to order a CT scan, revealing the need for an emergency appendectomy.

Several months after the surgeries, Colton reveals some amazing stuff.  Apparently, he 'went up out of' his body' during the surgery and saw his dad praying in a tiny room and his mom was praying and talking on the phone, things his parents had never told him.  Then, angels sang to him while he sat in Jesus' lap.

There are lots of other AMAZING things in there, but I won't give away the whole story.  You should really read it for yourself.  Read.  It. 

One more thing. 

After his experience, everybody kinda makes up a game where whenever somebody sees  a picture of Jesus, they say, "Hey, Colton, it this one right?"  "What's wrong with this one?"

So one day, Todd reads an article about a little girl named Akiane Kramarik who has also 'been to heaven.'  She paints amazing pictures.

"Hey, Colton, what's wrong with this one?"

"Daddy, it's right!"

1 comment:

Celeste said...

Gives me teary eyes and goose bumps every time Emma!