Saturday, March 26, 2011

Shaw Nature Reserve

I went to stay in a lodge there with Girl Scouts.  It was very fun.

On the first night we went on a night hike.  We did the Halloween thing where you reach in the bag and try to figure out what it is.  There was an antler, a TURKEY FOOT, a freshwater mussel shell, and a turtle shell.  It kinda creeped me out.  Then we did the thing where you chew the Winto-Green Life Saver with your mouth open and make the funny noise.  Well, you don't really need to make the funny noise, but still.  It makes sparks inside your mouth!  but doesn't hurt (duh).

When we got back we played Bananagrams in the Gathering Hall and stuff.  I think we played to late, though because I didn't get as much sleep as I was hoping....

In the morning we had french toast for breakfast with the home made butter that we shookandshookandshookandshookandshook the night before.  It was so good!!!  Then we did a GPS finding your way course and that was very fun.  We got lost, but it was fun.  Not too lost.  But lost.  You know.  The GPS doesn't talk to you like it does in the car.  That would be funny.  "Turn   right   at   the   next   tree.   "   Hah.

Then it snowed.  Wassup wif dat?  I am so mad.  C'mon, it's officially spring, right?  Seriously?


Bridgett said...

I know. I keep waiting for spring to really really be here and it's not...

Scott said...

GPS thing....that's funny. You're funny!