Thursday, March 24, 2011

What I find myself doing everyday to be the organized weirdo that I am

Okay, if you know me really well, like really well, you know I go CRAZY if things are messy...

1.  Label things so you know where they go.

2.  Put things back when you are not using them.

3.  Throw things away when you don't need them, they don't work, they don't make you happy or when you don't use them.

4.  Make a schedule (roughly or very prescise, but probably roughly) for yourself so that you can get everything done (mostly chores and homework in my case).

5.  MAKE THE BED.  My sister doesen't and it drives me NUTS.  It just makes you feel cleaner and you feel more ogranized every time you walk by.

6.  You don't have to do everything people ask you to do.  Not everything.

7.  Put things in their own containers so things don't run together and make a mess or get lost.

8.  Clear things off (nightstand, desk, table...) and put it away, don't just throw it in the junk drawer (junk drawer is okay somethime though, I guess it is called the  junk drawer).

9.  Use one of something first, then the next.  Like, if I use all 4 of my erasers at one time, then, well I guess maybe I am just weird.  I dunno.  Bah.

10.  Follow my 9 weird rules  (I'm sure I have more, just don't realize it...).

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